Any Way the Wind Blows: Quantifying Superbubbles and their Outflows in Simulated Galaxies across z~0-3

Porter et al., available on arXiv

Abstract: We present an investigation of clustered stellar feedback in the form of superbubbles identified within eleven galaxies from the FIRE-2 (Feedback in Realistic Environments) cosmological zoom-in simulation suite, at both cosmic noon (110^5 K) gas when the shell bursts. For all galaxies, the outflow mass, momentum, and energy fluxes appear to reach their peak during the identified superbubbles, and we investigate the effects on the interstellar medium (ISM), circumgalactic medium (CGM), and subsequent star formation rates. We find that these simulations, regardless of redshift, have mass-loading factors and momentum fluxes in the cool gas that largely agree with recent observations. Lastly, we also investigate how methodological choices in measuring outflows can affect loading factors for galactic winds.