Ji et al., available on arXiv
Abstract: We study the impact of cosmic rays (CRs) on the structure of virial shocks, using a large suite of high-resolution cosmological FIRE-2 simulations accounting for CR injection by supernovae. In massive (Mhalo>=10^11 Msun), low-redshift (z<~1−2) halos, which are expected to form "hot halos" with slowly-cooling gas in quasi-hydrostatic equilibrium (with a stable virial shock), our simulations without CRs do exhibit clear virial shocks. The cooler phase condensing out from inflows becomes pressure-confined to over-dense clumps, embedded in low-density, volume-filling hot gas whose cooling time is much longer than inflow time. The gas thus transitions sharply from cool free-falling inflow, to hot and thermal-pressure supported at approximately the virial radius (~Rvir), and the shock is quasi-spherical. With CRs, we previously argued that halos in this particular mass and redshift range build up CR-pressure-dominated gaseous halos. Here, we show that when CR pressure dominates over thermal pressure, there is no significant virial shock. Instead, inflowing gas is gradually decelerated by the CR pressure gradient and the gas is relatively subsonic out to and even beyond Rvir. Rapid cooling also maintains sub-virial temperatures in the inflowing gas within ~Rvir.